WhoInstalled? 1.0.2 Quick Reference


If you have a look at inside of your System Folder, you'll find lots of files and folders there. And probably you'll also find out that it's really hard to distinguish exactly who else have installed such things...

In order to make managing system of your computer easier, WhoInstalled? helps you to put the name of installer into Info windows of files and folders which have just been installed into System Folder, Control Panels Folder, Extensions Folder and Fonts Folder right after running the installer and restarting the computer.

WhoInstalled? is a $6 shareware. You should make a payment to the author when you decided to use this application continuously.

WhoInstalled? may be freely distributed as it is. However, if you are publishing an article about this application or containing this application itself on any media to publish, you must give the auther advance notice and send a copy of your product(s) to the auther as soon as possible.

WhoInstalled? must be used at user's own risk.

System requirements

WhoInstalled? requires System Software 7.0.1 or later.

WhoInstalled? is a 68k native software so you can run it on both PowerPC and 68k-based Mac OS compatible computer.

However PPC native version is also available once you register.

How to install

After this step, the folder WhoInstalled? 1.0.2 will be created onto your hard drive and you can find WhoInstalled? 68k in this folder.

How to use

After this step, the file PutTheNameOfInstaller will be created in your StartUp Item Folder.
After this step, WhoInstalled? will be launched automatically and a dialog will be appeared.
If it completes successfully, WhoInstalled? will be quitted automatically and also the file PutTheNameOfInstaller will be deleted.

How to register

How to get the registration number

You'll be able to get the registration number as long as you make a payment to the author.

How to make a payment to the author

You can run the attached application Register in order to make a payment through Kagi to the author.

If you've got a credit card, you can pay on-line as well. Please visit the URLs as follows:

http://order.kagi.com/?Q7G&S (Secure SSL)

http://order.kagi.com/?Q7G (Not secure SSL)

How to contact the author

If you have any suggestions or comments on WhoInstalled?, please send an e-mail to the author < mamoru@kagi.com>.

More Information

Do visit Mamoru's Mac On-line Software Page.

Version history

All product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
© 1998 Mamoru Matsuoka All Rights Reserved